
Friend meet up!

Back in high school I played an online game called Destiny. It was a shooter game that took place in space and was best played in groups, which they refereed to as fire teams. And one day I joined a fire team and they became my regular group I ended up playing with for a few years in and outside of the game. And I became pretty close with two of them. And next month one of them is coming to Japan for a month! And we have decided that it would be really excited to finally meet each other in person and put a face to the voice of someone who I hung out with every day! It should be very exciting!

We're playing on meeting in Osaka sometime next month and I have two issues I see happening. One: as I only know her by her voice it may be hard to find her even with a picture of her since I won't actually recognize her. And two: we always refereed to each other by our account names so it might difficult switching to using our real names. But regardless of what we call each other, how hard it is to find each other, it'll be very interesting! Plus our other friend will become super jealous as he has always wanted to meet us in person too. And we get to do it in Japan.

Friend meet up!

Kabuki Theatre
A weirdly high class museum (?)
A weirdly high class museum (?)
King Arthur The Musical
London Broil
Dog Cafe
 Biking (2019-07-24 08:00)
 Zenigata Festival (2019-07-17 08:00)
 1 year! (2019-07-10 08:00)
 Spiders (2019-07-03 08:00)
 Skyping my parents (2019-06-26 08:00)
 Mercari (2019-06-19 08:00)


Friend meet up!