Yamagata Part 2
When Michael and I arrived in Yamagata, I was surprised at how much cooler the temperature was, and how blue the sky was. We decided to climb Haguro-san that day after having lunch at a soba restaurant. The walk up was gorgeous and we were actually able to see the inside of the five story pagoda due to an event. It was a once in a life-time opportunity, and I'm so glad we were able to see it.
We then rested at a tea shop, about half-way up the mountain, where they served us matcha and mochi while we enjoyed the view. I have never had more delicious mochi, it made the view 10 times better.
Once we arrived at the top of Haguro-san, we checked in at the temple where we were staying the night, and then walked around. We prayed at many temples and then returned to the temple for dinner. At dinner there were many new foods we had never tried. I particularly liked the dishes with peanut sauce in them.
After dinner we took a bath, and watched the sun set over the mountain. Then we passed out right away, only to wake up an hour later. The Yamabushi had blown their horn and and come to the temple for the night. We tried to fall back asleep, but Michael's throat was bothering him. We looked at it, and it turned out that the inside was very swollen! We thought that he might be having an allergic reaction to what we had for dinner.
It was very scary because we didn't have internet, cell-phone service, or a way to get back into town. Eventually we decided to ask the Yambushi who were eating dinner for help. We felt bad because we didn't want to ruin their dinner, but we didn't know what else to do. The Yamabushi were so kind! they gave him some medicine after we explained what happened and they told us that they could call an ambulance if we needed it.
Luckily the medicine helped, and we were able to get back to sleep for the night.
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