
Why do we dream? I have always asked myself this question. Are they just our imagination running wild, or is there a purpose behind them? Many people don't recall their dreams, but there are some that recall every vivid detail of their dreams. Some people have happy dreams, and others nightmares; I am lucky to have both. Many of my dreams I don't recall, but the ones I do I remember very clearly. I have thought about the dreams I remember and try to think back to incidents that have occurred, or things that I have seen or done that could have been the root of the dream. Many researchers believe that our dreams are our memories playing out in a way that we understand, others believe there are no real reasons for dreams. I do know that every person in your dream is someone who you have seen before. The faces you pass on the street are the characters that make up your dreams, which is why we sometimes feel we have never met that person before. It's all very fascinating to think about.
What are some of your dreams?
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