Imabari Towel Museum

Recently I went to visit the Towel Museum in Imabari, and I must say it was quite the trip! The museum is split between the many shops inside, the welcoming cafe, and the museum section. I didn't do much shopping but I did go through the museum section. The first half was outside where they had displayed an amazing light show. The second half was an informative display on how towels are made, an art section, and a Hello Kitty special anniversary section.
The Hello Kitty section was really cute and cool because they had examples of the first drafts of the character all the way up to the current finalized promotions. It was a cool look at Hello Kitty and the 45 years the brand has been around. The best part for me was the towel art. It's a strange feeling when you walk up to a painting only to realize it's not a painting, but a cleverly crafted towel that looks like a painting. The museum changes it's exhibitions on a scheduled basis, so I already know I'll be coming back, possibly more than once!
Winter Coat

My old faithful winter coat finally decided to give out on me. Everything was fine till the zipper decided to break. Now the sleeves have decided to bust loose too! Every where I turn some part is barely hanging on. I'll have to begrudgingly get a new one.
Winter is still here (and getting colder) yet here I am... mourning my winter coat. I guess it's because every time I wear it I think of the friend that gifted it to me. We met when we were both were teaching in China and immediately became the best of friends. She has since left China for her hometown of South Africa. Lucky for us we can still chat via the internet.
I'm sure she would laugh if I let her know how emotional I was getting over the coat. She'd probably say "Candyyy! I can just buy you another one!" But I can't help it! It was one of the first gifts she had ever given me! I guess I'm just a sentimental mushball.
Angry Bird!
As I was driving home from Kanonji yesterday, there was a sudden 'thud' against my car's hood. Then a brown form went up and over the car. It took a second for what had happened to register, but I hit a bird.
It was very strange. It came out of the bushes in the median, where many cars would have passed by it. Yet it decided to fling itself at my car.
It was very strange. It came out of the bushes in the median, where many cars would have passed by it. Yet it decided to fling itself at my car.
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Fruit Trees

My father-in-law's pride and joy is his garden. He has carefully crafted a plant paradise in his own backyard. Every time I would visit he would proudly show off his colorful assortment of fruit trees. He would pick a peach or blueberry right off the tree and have me taste it. His love of gardening inspired me to one day grow my own fruit trees! I haven't had the home space to grow fruit trees yet but one day I will! Anything worth having is worth waiting for!
Keto...then flexi-vegan?

I am a relatively new wanna-be vegan (about two years plus). I am 98% whole foods plant based, known in the twitterverse as WFPB. However, living in Japan makes it almost impossible to be fully vegan. Why did I go full-on boho granola-fest? For ethical reasons? Unlike most on this path - nope. Now I am not a monster - factory farms and the inhumane conditions of animals I do NOT support at all - but it's not my primary reason for switching over from being keto (which I was hardcore a proponent of for about a year) to what I am now.
I didn't need a movie like The Game Changers (Really great! Now on Netflix) to persuade me to make the switch - I honestly saw the benefits in how my body felt. Keto is great for weight loss, but it doesn't make you feel good after a while. When you are deep into keto, you do everything with fats in mind. To the point of adding butter or coconut oil in your coffee an blending it up thinking it is gonna benefit your livelihood, uhhh, no.
So, spring and summer were also rolling around. And as a keto-er at that time, 98% of fruit is evil! Haha I can't believe I used to think this way for a whole year! At the end of my keto journey, I took a bite into an apple..it was game over after that! So as I started to eat more food that needs refrigeration and not stocked in a box (now THAT is evil!) it all started to make sense and my body thanked me, still does. Anyway this all ended up in me becoming what I am now. A flexi-vegan I dubbed it. So as I eat my 98% of veggies tonight and 2% shrimp, I am happy with my resolve. Japan, thank you for putting fish in juuuust about everything. I wouldn't be where I am today without you.
Join an Okinawa Bus Tour

We paid for a tour bus to take us around Okinawa. It took us around the cliffside, castle ruins, aquarium park, and Pinapple park.
The cliffside was where I first got a look at that blue water. It looked soooo nice! I wanted to find a beach and get in the water. The castle ruins were quite interesting. I actually found myself trying to imagine what the castle looked like. It was so old. The aquarium was nice, but we went through it too fast. I got some wonderful pictures of the whale sharks. My best one is overhead, in a tunnel.
I think I like the Osaka aquarium more, because they have more exhibits. But the whale shark exhibit IS breathtaking.
We didn't have time to see the rest of the area where the aquarium is. That was a shame, because there was a planetarium, food and dancing, and a BEACH! I was quickly becoming obsessed with the water.
A Sign of Spring

I am actually enjoying our mild winter and look forward to warm udon and soup when I get home from teaching. However, I have to admit, spring is my favorite time of year! And Japan has the most beautiful springtime!!
This week, I had to stop while I was biking, as I saw one of the sure signs of spring in America- the daffodil. I am not sure the Japanese name for this beautiful springtime flower, but when we see the daffodils bloom in America, spring has arrived! With the mild winters here, I know that they are arriving early. However, I also saw on the internet, the first forecasts for the Sakura blooms!! I believe there are a lot of people anxious for the most beautiful time of the year!
Studio Ghibli Museum
I wrote previously on how to get Studio Ghibli Museum tickets but recently I actually went. When I got there, there was already a line out the door to check reservations. Once inside it was an awesome experience. As you can imagine the interior is full of Studio Ghibli themed decor and there's even a place where you can watch a short movie. You can see characters from all your favorite Ghibli movies in the museum. My favorite was the Laputa robot on the top floor! You should check it out!
Rice vending machine, what's that?

We have all seen vending machines. A normal thing in America. There's more vending machines than convenience stores in Japan, and that's a lot!!!
There's a whole new thing I have just noticed. Are these really a thing? I had no idea these things existed.
Say you want rice, yea? Sure, we all do.
You're not gonna go to the store.
You're gonna pop in some cash into this machine, and pick the rice you want. And then it pops out of these holes at the bottom.
so the questions are
1. Is it better than store rice?
2. Do I need my own bag?
Wild wild stuff.
Japanese Food in Japan

I have lived in Japan for a month and a half now and I have to say it has been an amazing experience. One of the biggest differences for me is the food in restaurants. I can go to many places and order udon, ramen, and even sushi for around five to six dollars. Back in my hometown if I order any Japanese food I have to spend at least ten dollars, but here in Japan the local food is relatively cheap! I'm very surprised but I guess it's because Japanese food in my hometown is considered an imported food, so it is more expensive. Eating ramen on a cold day in Niihama is an amazing experience and I recommend the situation to everyone! Now, if I could only find unagi then I would be a happy American in Japan.
Post Christmas Blues
I liken the Christmas holiday season to operatic or spiritual song that leaves you in anticipation as it reaches its crescendo! The time "pocket" between New Year and Valentines/Easter, etc. is a gray area. Christmas is magical as inspires hope and wonder. This, in my opinion, creates an air of expectation, joy, and peace. I recall a scene in the movie "Elf"; Santa's sleigh couldn't fly as well as usual due to the deterioration of hope, expectation, and faith among the people. Christmas reminds me of this. Just as every other year, I will make it through. The perspective of Christmas as a daily concept helps. Here's to a new year, a new decade, and a new season!

Oh! Saka
Spending Christmas in Osaka was the best decision despite less that perfect circumstances. I am used to the Christmas rush in my hometown; people are often hurried and rude during what is supposed to be the most generous time of year.Osaka's Shinsaibashi was packed with shoppers and sightseers for the holiday, however, there was a hurried , yet zen atmosphere among the people which made the experience memorable. Compared to Tokyo, Osaka seemed a bit more "laid back" and free. It reminded me a lot of Atlanta which as one of my favorite hangouts in the past. As I travel throughout Japan, I have been enlightened as I experience differences in ambiance, scenery, food, and cultural nuances. Osaka holds a special place in my heart and I look forward to finding other "jewels" in Japan. I was not able to taste as much of Osaka's food offerings due to a dental issue--this requires a definite do-over.

Hot Drinks

One of many things I like about living in Japan is that during the colder months the vending machines switch to hot drinks. I like walking in a nice cold breeze with a warm drink in my hands. The hot drink I always gravitate towards is the honey and lemon tea. It tastes like liquid candy! Plus the warmth of the bottle makes my hands all toasty. I absolutely love a hot bottle of tea on a frigid day! It makes the colder days a lot bareable!
Sleep Deprivation
Over the break, I got a good amount of sleep, and then...boom! Suddenly, I started waking up at 4:30 a.m.! That is not fun.
The worst part is I feel fine at first. I wake up feeling reasonably rested, for a few hours. But, by the end of the day, I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. It is really starting to annoy me.
If this continues much longer, I may have to resort to drastic measures to get a good night's sleep.
The worst part is I feel fine at first. I wake up feeling reasonably rested, for a few hours. But, by the end of the day, I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. It is really starting to annoy me.
If this continues much longer, I may have to resort to drastic measures to get a good night's sleep.
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Ten years to 2030?!

By your powers combined I am Captain Planet!
If you were born in the 80s like myself, you probably know the entire song and chances are you saw this show on TV on more than one occasion. Captain Planet among other cartoons had a strong environmental angle in their messaging. So it is no wonder, millenials, even the oldest ones like myself, are quite ecology conscious, even to the point of diet (I am something I dubbed flexi-vegan = 95% vegan and 5% shouganai there is FISH in everything)
Is it a wonder that Leo DiCap (grew up in the 80s) would speak before a UN panel, begging for action regarding climate change? Or many other Hollywood-ites born in my generation have a lot to say about recycling, sustsainability with food/gas/air/water, and trying to persuade the public to at least have meatless Mondays?
Now, in 2020, we only have 10 years to get rolling on the 17 tenants of the 2030 agenda goal. Is there anything impossible on this list? Well let's examine it.
GOAL 1: No Poverty
GOAL 2: Zero Hunger
GOAL 3: Good Health and Well-being
GOAL 4: Quality Education
GOAL 5: Gender Equality
GOAL 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
GOAL 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
GOAL 10: Reduced Inequality
GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
GOAL 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
GOAL 13: Climate Action
GOAL 14: Life Below Water
GOAL 15: Life on Land
GOAL 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions
GOAL 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal
I hate to be a Debbie Downer but this list seems impossible. 10 years!?!? I want to believe in the human spirit, I really do, but how do we even begin to rally together as a people to get all this up and running? Where do we start?
I propose we try where Captain Planet left off - heart. If we learn to love each other as we love ourselves, love the earth we were placed on and stop looking at the cosmos as a means to escape to - perhaps, just perhaps we have a fighting chance. But we gotta get a move on.
With all our powers combined.
Okinawa World and Shuri Castle

The first place that we went to was an attraction called Okinawa World. I thought it would be very cheesy, but it actually turned out to be fun and cool. We went there on a crowded bus that was so bumpy!
In Okinawa world, you can see the "park" and a cave. I didn't really know what to expect, but the cave was huge. It reminded me of the first diorama that I ever made as a child. My friend was surprised by a bat, but I sadly didn't see any.
The food there was good, wagu beef pizza tasted a lot like pizza in America. You could do glass making, watch traditional dancing, or do lots of shopping. I didn't wear a kimono but I liked looking at them.
The second place that my friend and I went to was Shuri castle. Yes, tragically, the castle had been burned and badly damaged. But the entire area to and around the castle was open. I liked the look of everything, it was a very different kind of Japan.
Origami in America
I love the Japanese art of folding paper into the most beautiful shapes! My students love to do origami and will even start doing this in class, even with the paper backing from their stickers, instead of throwing their papers in the trash!
I looked up the definition of origami as I love to research anything I am interested in. "Origami is the art of paper folding, which is often associated with Japanese culture. In modern usage, the word "origami" is used as an inclusive term for all folding practices, regardless of their culture of origin." This made me think of my home in America. We fold paper into airplanes, but we do something else that I always found fun. As early as a child can cut with scissors in school, children make paper snowflakes! You fold paper a special way, and cut designs in it. The fun part is opening your paper and seeing all the beautiful artistic designs you've just made- MAGIC!!
With the winter season here, I thought my students would have fun making them as they love to fold paper so much. To my surprise, they were afraid to cut the paper!! Even the older students! But when I assured them that they were going to create a beautiful artistic masterpiece, and then showed them my example, they hesitantly tried. Their eyes were huge when they saw their own snowflake creation!! They did not want to stop "creating" when class was done! One student got so artistic, he made snowmen and pine trees in his! WAY TO GO!!
Let It Snow?

I've often wondered if it snows in Kanonji. A friend told me that it is rare but it has. Apparently the snowfall that has occurred has been manageable. I think last year someone saw a bunch of small flurries for a minute and then it was gone! Now that is my idea of the perfect snow day! No need to shovel up snow or throw salt on the floor! I hope to experience that kind of snowfall! I'd love to watch the flurries from the comfort of my balcony with some hot tea or coffee. There is something very relaxing about dancing small flurries. Let's see if we get some this year!
Benitsuru pancakes
First of all, Happy New Year! When I was in Tokyo this break, I had the chance to try out some famous fluffy Japanese pancakes. They differ from their American counterparts and are way fluffier. I had to line up at 8am to get a reservation. If you have the chance try it out! It's near Asakusa station.

Local Ramen shop, best Ramen shop

If it's less than 20 minutes from your house, it's "the best ramen shop in all of Kagawa". That's the rule I've come to learn from anyone, anywhere, about any food that they are passionate about. Best udon? The one near my house. Best bakery? The one near my house.
Some people are ridiculous.
Ok, so this place is unbelievable. A re-fill of noodles is only 100 yen. They'll cook noodles to 5 different hardnesses. They got 5 or 6 kinds of broth. The pork is not too fatty. Amazing Sokesomen as well.
Tell me about the best Ramen in Kagawa that's near your house.