
Imabari Towel Museum

Recently I went to visit the Towel Museum in Imabari, and I must say it was quite the trip! The museum is split between the many shops inside, the welcoming cafe, and the museum section. I didn't do much shopping but I did go through the museum section. The first half was outside where they had displayed an amazing light show. The second half was an informative display on how towels are made, an art section, and a Hello Kitty special anniversary section.

The Hello Kitty section was really cute and cool because they had examples of the first drafts of the character all the way up to the current finalized promotions. It was a cool look at Hello Kitty and the 45 years the brand has been around. The best part for me was the towel art. It's a strange feeling when you walk up to a painting only to realize it's not a painting, but a cleverly crafted towel that looks like a painting. The museum changes it's exhibitions on a scheduled basis, so I already know I'll be coming back, possibly more than once!


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