
Post Christmas Blues

I liken the Christmas holiday season to operatic or spiritual song that leaves you in anticipation as it reaches its crescendo! The time "pocket" between New Year and Valentines/Easter, etc. is a gray area. Christmas is magical as inspires hope and wonder. This, in my opinion, creates an air of expectation, joy, and peace. I recall a scene in the movie "Elf"; Santa's sleigh couldn't fly as well as usual due to the deterioration of hope, expectation, and faith among the people. Christmas reminds me of this. Just as every other year, I will make it through. The perspective of Christmas as a daily concept helps. Here's to a new year, a new decade, and a new season!


Posted by teachers at 22:57Comments(0)Cherie先生


Oh! Saka

Spending Christmas in Osaka was the best decision despite less that perfect circumstances. I am used to the Christmas rush in my hometown; people are often hurried and rude during what is supposed to be the most generous time of year.Osaka's Shinsaibashi was packed with shoppers and sightseers for the holiday, however, there was a hurried , yet zen atmosphere among the people which made the experience memorable. Compared to Tokyo, Osaka seemed a bit more "laid back" and free. It reminded me a lot of Atlanta which as one of my favorite hangouts in the past. As I travel throughout Japan, I have been enlightened as I experience differences in ambiance, scenery, food, and cultural nuances. Osaka holds a special place in my heart and I look forward to finding other "jewels" in Japan. I was not able to taste as much of Osaka's food offerings due to a dental issue--this requires a definite do-over.


Posted by teachers at 22:41Comments(0)Cherie先生


Hot Drinks

One of many things I like about living in Japan is that during the colder months the vending machines switch to hot drinks. I like walking in a nice cold breeze with a warm drink in my hands. The hot drink I always gravitate towards is the honey and lemon tea. It tastes like liquid candy! Plus the warmth of the bottle makes my hands all toasty. I absolutely love a hot bottle of tea on a frigid day! It makes the colder days a lot bareable!   

Posted by teachers at 17:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち


Sleep Deprivation

Over the break, I got a good amount of sleep, and then...boom! Suddenly, I started waking up at 4:30 a.m.! That is not fun.

The worst part is I feel fine at first. I wake up feeling reasonably rested, for a few hours. But, by the end of the day, I'm struggling to keep my eyes open. It is really starting to annoy me.

If this continues much longer, I may have to resort to drastic measures to get a good night's sleep.  

Posted by teachers at 13:00Comments(0)