
Generation Gaps

Remember when being a millenial was all the rage? All the fashion, fads, ideas, magazines, movies and ads were skewed to draw you in and include YOUR generation and no one else? That is if you are born, according to the Google (yes "the" Google) anytime between 1981-1996 apparently. Now it is all about the iGeneration/GenZ aka Post-Millenials. The idea of a whole generation that may not have ever seen a CD or DVD kinda freaks me out!

Anyway my niece back in Toronto was born in 2001, so yes, we sometimes have moment where I have to say to myself "ohhh you have NO CLUE what I mean by that do you...?" Which conversation turns into a language lesson even though our native tongue is English. at least I used to think so. She had some homework for her Spanish class one day and since I'm pretty decent at espanol, I often help her out. She emailed me the article and I asked her where/what she was having trouble with. Then without hesitation she said "Auntie, I have no idea what an eBay is!" OMG, 'an eBay' has to be the highlight of my week!

All this to say, the generations are quickly changing. The kids who had the kids who are going to have the kids who look at the internet strangely will be here before you know it. Better get your language together as you may not even know how to talk to them! Yes, even about Game of Thrones - that is an all out travesty. Sigh.  

Posted by teachers at 17:00Comments(0)Christine先生


Problem with the bus tour

The bus tour in Okinawa helped my friend and I get out to see famous places. That was good, because it was our last full day in Okinawa. What was not good, was that the tour guide wouldn't stop talking....ever.

From the second we sat down on the bus (at 9am), the tour guide had been speaking into her microphone. Sometimes she made jokes, sometimes she interviewed the bus. Sometimes she even burst into song. We began to wonder if her jaw hurt from so much talking. She never gave anyone time to breathe.

When we were out, she was also talking, even though I could just read about somethings myself. I begin to get a headache whenever we were on the bus too long. My friend couldn't stop laughing in disbelief.

It got REALLY bad when the tour was over. It was dark, it was about 5pm, and we had 1-2 hour journey back by bus. I thought "surely, she'll be done speaking." Everyone was tired and wanted to relax.


The tour guide women proceeded to talk about EVERY restaurant and shop in the shoutengai. She also took out some goods and paraded them around like a flight stewardess.

What an exhausting bus tour.   

Posted by teachers at 13:00Comments(0)Katie先生