
Lost in Thought

Hello all! Growing up in Queens New York, I would often go out and walk for hours around my neighborhood. I'd listen to music and not go anywhere specific. I would walk around with just my thoughts. I found myself in that exact situation this past Sunday. It was a beautiful day to go for a quick stroll around picture-esque Kanonji. I am grateful my journey abroad has lead me to Kagawa Prefecture. As I've posted before, Kanonji is a beautiful town with a lot of places to get lost in your thoughts.  

Posted by teachers at 17:00Comments(0)過去の先生たち


Strawberries in Japan

Strawberry season is starting and all the supermarkets are starting to sell strawberries. But, they are quite expensive for strawberries! In America you can get a pound of strawberries for around $4 or 400yen. Here in Japan that gets you around 9 strawberries maybe less. Why so expensive? It probably has to do with the taste. Strawberries in Japan are so sweet and not a hint of sour meanwhile in America the Strawberries are quite sour.


Posted by teachers at 14:00Comments(0)Massim先生