Lost in Thought

Hello all! Growing up in Queens New York, I would often go out and walk for hours around my neighborhood. I'd listen to music and not go anywhere specific. I would walk around with just my thoughts. I found myself in that exact situation this past Sunday. It was a beautiful day to go for a quick stroll around picture-esque Kanonji. I am grateful my journey abroad has lead me to Kagawa Prefecture. As I've posted before, Kanonji is a beautiful town with a lot of places to get lost in your thoughts.
Strawberries in Japan
Strawberry season is starting and all the supermarkets are starting to sell strawberries. But, they are quite expensive for strawberries! In America you can get a pound of strawberries for around $4 or 400yen. Here in Japan that gets you around 9 strawberries maybe less. Why so expensive? It probably has to do with the taste. Strawberries in Japan are so sweet and not a hint of sour meanwhile in America the Strawberries are quite sour.