Ramen on a Cold Winter's Day
On Sunday, my friend took me to eat at a ramen restaurant called Ichi. It was so delicious! I’ve loved ramen ever since my best friend introduced me to instant ramen back in high school. It sounds stupid to say that I loved instant ramen, since it’s just about the cheapest food there is, but I really did! It didn’t taste like anything else that I had had before, and it is so quick and easy to make. Truth be told, I still eat a lot of instant ramen for the same reasons—it’s cheap and all you have to do is put it in the microwave. But I can’t say that I love it anymore, now that I finally have access to real ramen. There’s just no comparison! I know ramen was originally from China, but I think that Japan has really made ramen into a culinary art. I’m so happy that I get to eat it here all the time!
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