To the library!
I finally went to the library in Niihama! It was very peaceful. The building is low and flat, and there are a ton of large windows that look out onto a grassy area. There are trees and bushes to shield the street from view, so people can sit and read, and when they look up, they see a tranquil piece of nature. I’ll have to take some time and try reading there. I also looked at the foreign language section of the library and I was happy to see many English books! I’ve already read a lot of them, but it’s been a while. For instance, they had both Anne of Green Gables and all of the Laura Ingalls Wilder books! That really takes me back; I read those in elementary school! They also had a full set of the Harry Potter books. I really appreciate this, because my set is at home, and I know that I will miss them while I’m here. But now I know that I can get them from the library! Yay!
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