Spoooooky Halloween times!
Oooh! We're getting closer to the GEM School Halloween event! Do you have your costume?
This week, I want to talk about the spookiest Halloween tradition that I've celebrated in the past, one that starts at the beginning of the month, and goes all the way through to November: watching Scary Movies!
When I was in university, one of the friends I was living with was a film student, and was always watching movies and talking about them. One of his favourite genres was, of course, horror movies, so as soon as October rolled around, he would set himself up in front of the TV and watch horror movies. Sometimes it was a movie he'd already seen, but there are always new and different horror movies coming out every year, so more often, we'd watch brand new ones, or old ones we hadn't seen yet.
Now, I will tell you, I don't really like horror movies. It's not that I'm scared of them, but often they're so lazily made, or the story isn't really fun or interesting, it's just a special effects show with fake blood. However, this month, and watching them so often was usually a really fun time because of the people I would watch them with, so we would just make fun of the movies while we were there.
Like what I wrote about last week, Halloween isn't a holiday about candy or ghosts or spirits or anything like that, that's just the packaging that it comes in. Halloween, like all holidays, is about spending time with the people you love and doing fun things together. That we get to wear goofy costumes and sometimes eat candy is just an added bonus!
This week, I want to talk about the spookiest Halloween tradition that I've celebrated in the past, one that starts at the beginning of the month, and goes all the way through to November: watching Scary Movies!
When I was in university, one of the friends I was living with was a film student, and was always watching movies and talking about them. One of his favourite genres was, of course, horror movies, so as soon as October rolled around, he would set himself up in front of the TV and watch horror movies. Sometimes it was a movie he'd already seen, but there are always new and different horror movies coming out every year, so more often, we'd watch brand new ones, or old ones we hadn't seen yet.
Now, I will tell you, I don't really like horror movies. It's not that I'm scared of them, but often they're so lazily made, or the story isn't really fun or interesting, it's just a special effects show with fake blood. However, this month, and watching them so often was usually a really fun time because of the people I would watch them with, so we would just make fun of the movies while we were there.
Like what I wrote about last week, Halloween isn't a holiday about candy or ghosts or spirits or anything like that, that's just the packaging that it comes in. Halloween, like all holidays, is about spending time with the people you love and doing fun things together. That we get to wear goofy costumes and sometimes eat candy is just an added bonus!
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