Brand New

In the middle of a cleaning and sewing spree this weekend, I stumbled upon something wonderful. I found music from my favorite American band, Brand New,that I had never heard.
I don't know why they're called Brand New, but to me, the feeling that I get when I listen to their music is that it feels new. I'm always hearing something special every time I listen. The band has been evolving their sound with every album; punk-alternative-hard rock. And I can't pinpoint why I feel so strongly about these songs. I've given introduction CDs to friends, hoping that they would feel the same way, but it hasn't happened yet.
My enthusiasm did get my sister on board though. When Brand New was selling tickets (which sold out in less than 30 minutes) to their concert, I got 2 tickets and told her that we were going. We had a sisterly road trip of sorts because the venue was nearly 3 hours away. Bar venues are the worst because we are both short and couldn't see anyone on stage. But I thanked my lucky stars that my favorite band was still together. That night, I even met the bassist and drummer by waiting outside in the cold after the show. While my sister may not feel as strongly as I do, we created a wonderful memory together by going to that concert.
Brand New's last album was in 2009, and I'd honestly thought that the boys would have moved on to other things. I saw them in concert during that CD's Tour but I didn't know that so much time would pass until the next Tour. This band is the opposite of L'arc en Ciel and Vamps, they haven't taken many photos (I wouldn't recognize them on the street), and don't do much publicity. They only have 1 music video in all of their 4 albums. I've never EVER found a Brand New song in the karaoke machine. The band weirdly kept lyrics unpublished for ages, and fans have been guessing some songs. I asked the bassist what the chorus was to my favorite song, when I met him.
The band is finally on tour again, with 2 new singles ready to go. There's some speculation that there will be one more album and then an official breakup in 2018, but for now, I am happy to hear anything from my favorite American band.
If you are curious, my recommended songs are: Not the Sun, Play Crack the Sky, Jaws Theme Swimming, The No Seatbelt Song
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