
Custom Build


As I mentioned in one of my previous post my laptop died not too long ago. Well I'm very happy to say that its replacement has arrived. I built this pc about a year ago. I did a bit of research and most places said building a pc was easy and simple, so I gave it a shot. What a disaster! I had to replace the motherboard twice because it was defective. When I finally got the pc up and running I had to deal with drivers. Even the newest drivers were messing things up and making the pc unusable. It took me roughly three weeks to work all the kinks out but I finally figured it out. My next build should be much smoother. Now that it has arrived I can finally get my FIFA fix. If anyone wants to join me and play some online video games you can try to find me on Fifa, Archeage, or League of Legends!

Did you buy or build your computer? Would you like to build one?

タグ :PCGemschool


Custom Build