
Why did the snake cross the road?


On the way to work I ran into a snake. It was...well crossing the road. I almost ran over it, I had to swerve to avoid it. The snake was crossing the road right after a curve. If I had been going fast I could not have avoided it. It was a rather long snake, nice bright green which made it easier to see. This is the first time I have seen a snake in Japan. With the exception of the occasional visit tot he zoo this was the third snake I have ever seen.

I still remember the first time I saw one. I was out in front of the house when I heard the neighbor scream. That time it wasn't a green snake, it was a nice orange/yellow striped one. Some kids were brave and tried to poke it with a stick, I was smart and kept my distance. The father of one of the kids came and picked it up. I remember the snake bit him though I have no clue if he wen to a doctor. My play time had come to an end when I saw that snake, I went back inside and played with my toys.

The second time I saw a snake I was much older, probably about 20 or 21. I was with Sadie at an abandoned zoo. This one was harmless is was a common garden snake still I kept my distance and was very watchful the for the rest of the afternoon. To be honest I always was at that zoo. We had heard many stories of local alligators that like to roam around.

Have you ever ran into a snake before? What did you do?


Why did the snake cross the road?