New Clothes
I was never big on clothes shopping. I guess most guys aren't really. But I have been in Japan nearly two years, with pretty much the same clothes that I brought with me. Yes, I have bought an occasional t-shirt, or pair of pants. But it was pretty much the same mess of clothes everyday. I have been thinking about a new wardrobe for a while now, but haven't really had the money or time or money. But now that Spring is here, and with a little help, I think I can manage something. I have already junked a bunch of my clothes (brought to Hard-Off, only made about $10, hahaha). So I'm down quite a bit of clothes, but I also received a bunch of nice ones that apparently suit me (courtesy of my friend). So now I want to get a bit more, especially going into Spring and Summer. I'll need to ask my friend to come shopping with me to see what looks best on me, and how to match up clothes, hahaha.
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