
My View on Valentine's Day

valentineI think Valentine's Day is an interesting holiday. It isn't a national holiday or one that many people make big plans for (there are of course exceptions). People who are single dread this holiday (for the most part), so there is a varied opinion based on relationship status on how it is viewed and/or celebrated.

Valentine's Day for me is good holiday, I've never dreaded it, even before when I was single. My father would always get my sister and I chocolates and sometimes a stuffed animal! It is a holiday to appreciate the love you give and get from other people and I think that is sad that usually it is only displayed on this day - along with other holidays and birthdays.

Currently Valentine's Day is also my mother-in-law's birthday and it falls ten days before the anniversary of when my husband and I started dating; ALSO my birthday is at the beginning of March, so there are many things going on. It's busy, but filled with love (yes, so corny!).

Thanks for reading.

TTFN - ta ta for now!



My View on Valentine's Day