The best part about teaching is that sometimes I get to be a big kid all over again. As a child, there were a few things I really really liked. Cars (of course) dinosaurs, and Airplanes.
I love teaching my kids about airplanes and the parts of planes when I get the chance. It reminds me that my old love of planes hasn't died out,a nd I got looking for videos online. Recently, I stumbled upon a place called the "mach loop" . It's a series of canyons in the UK that are used a training ground for military pilots. That mean jets flygin really low, and really, really fast. The videos are awesome!
I love teaching my kids about airplanes and the parts of planes when I get the chance. It reminds me that my old love of planes hasn't died out,a nd I got looking for videos online. Recently, I stumbled upon a place called the "mach loop" . It's a series of canyons in the UK that are used a training ground for military pilots. That mean jets flygin really low, and really, really fast. The videos are awesome!
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