
I've had a few bedrooms over the years, and I've always tried to make that space a great place. Most of the time, my bedroom is just for sleeping and displaying my things.
It's been a change sleeping in a loft bed. At first, I was afraid of going down the ladder! I also hit my head on the ceiling a lot. But now I am used to the room and I can't sleep anywhere else in the apartment. This is a problem because it's so hot outside now and the air conditioner can't reach me up there. I bought a fan and some blackout curtains, but it's a far cry from the basement dwelling that I'm used to. In my room back in Michigan, it was so dark and cold that you couldn't tell if it was daytime or nighttime. Because of this, I was really fond of napping in the afternoon.
In this pic you can see my bat stickers on the wall, the Halloween quilt my Mom sent me, and a my small suitcase that has been converted into a table. I'm learning to sleep well, even in the heat.
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