Driver's license
I did it! I got my Japanese driver's license!
Man, I was so nervous. I'm sure I said it before, but I already took and failed the driving test twice before. This last time, I decided to get lessons from a driving instructor. It was only for one hour, but it helped so much! We drove through the course several times, and he gave me instructions when I messed up or was unsure. Of course, all instructions were in Japanese only, but I understood most of what he said, and figured out the rest.
When it came time to take the test, boy was I nervous! I was sweating so much while I was waiting. During the test, I noticed the tester doing several approval nods, so I know I was doing way better than last time. Once it was over, I had to wait some more while the tester returned the car and reviewed the score. I think I made one mistake, but I still passed!
Afterwards, we started the process of getting the actual license. It was a bit of paperwork, an eye exam, and pictures being taken, as well as waiting, but I got my license on the same day! In the States, they mail the license to you, and it can take up to two weeks.
I am so happy I was able to get my license. Next step, motorcycle license!

Man, I was so nervous. I'm sure I said it before, but I already took and failed the driving test twice before. This last time, I decided to get lessons from a driving instructor. It was only for one hour, but it helped so much! We drove through the course several times, and he gave me instructions when I messed up or was unsure. Of course, all instructions were in Japanese only, but I understood most of what he said, and figured out the rest.
When it came time to take the test, boy was I nervous! I was sweating so much while I was waiting. During the test, I noticed the tester doing several approval nods, so I know I was doing way better than last time. Once it was over, I had to wait some more while the tester returned the car and reviewed the score. I think I made one mistake, but I still passed!
Afterwards, we started the process of getting the actual license. It was a bit of paperwork, an eye exam, and pictures being taken, as well as waiting, but I got my license on the same day! In the States, they mail the license to you, and it can take up to two weeks.
I am so happy I was able to get my license. Next step, motorcycle license!

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