Meow meow, I miss my cat.
I grew up in a house that always had a pet in it. My very first pet was a medium sized dog named Toby. Toby was my parents dog and she was a member of the family before I was! She was a very sweet, caring dog, and she passed away when I was in grade 3. Soon after Toby's passing, my mom bought a kitten for my brother and her name is Trouble.
We also have a young boardie collie dog named Jessie too. I really miss Trouble, though. She was more my cat than anyone elses. She slept with me in my room, she sat with me on the couch, and when i would stay up really late studying for University she would sit on my lap and fall asleep keeping me company. I really miss having a cat in my home, especially when I am reading on the couch. Having a cat on your ap as you read a great book and drink an amazing cup of coffee is my idea of a perfect afternoon.

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