
Cleaning Tatami??

This week I cleaned my tatami flooring for the first time since we moved here. I think I waited too long to clean it, but I didn't know how to do it!
In Canada everyone has hardwood or carpet flooring, maybe tiles or laminate too. These things are all very easy to clean, they don't require special care. Tatami is very intimidating to clean when you are used to being able to just sweep, mop and go.
I also found out that you need to move your furniture around fairly often to prevent mould, so I moved my furniture, and when I did I found this!

Cleaning Tatami??

I was so worried!
I thought it was the dreaded mould, invading my beautiful tatami flooring. I had to call some of the Japanese staff at GEM to see if it was mould.
Thankfully, they told me I was worried for nothing, and it was completely normal for tatami to stay green when furniture is on it
I'm glad it wasn't mould. I really love my tatami room, it feels so relaxing to spend time in. Even though it takes a long time to clean I'm in love with my tatami flooring!

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 Cola Ramen (2020-05-25 05:00)
 Dragon Ramen (2020-04-20 05:00)
 On a Quest With My Wife (2020-03-03 17:00)
 Animal Crossing (2020-02-29 13:00)
 Pep Talk (2020-02-25 17:00)


Cleaning Tatami??