
The Mountain Goats


Today I'd like to briefly write about one of my very favourite musicians. This is a man who, thanks to a violent upbringing and a guitar, has written some of the most amazing music I have had the pleasure of listening to. His name is John Darnielle, and his band is called The Mountain Goats. He was born in the United States in Indiana, and had an abusive father while growing up. This violent relationship, and its effect on his teenage years and adulthood, led him to expressing his anger, confusion, and sadness through music and song. He has been actively touring and making music as a career for over 20 years now (his first album was released in 1994, but has been touring since 1991), and continues to travel the United States sharing his experiences and music with thousands of people a year.

While I've never been able to see him in person, it is a goal of mine to see him perform someday. His music, while very simple and elegant (often simply a guitar and his voice), paints beautiful and sad scenes from every corner of life. His album Tallahassee, named after the city in Florida, describes the stages of a marriage on the verge of collapse, and conveys the depths of emotion that span from love to hate and back again in a way that I have never heard before. The album he produced after that, The Sunset Tree, is a very autobiographical account of the abuse (both physical and mental) he and his family suffered at the hands of his father. He is able to express such deeply personal experiences in a way that everyone can relate to, and therefore everyone can, in some way, experience for themselves.

John Darnielle's music might not sound like it would be for everyone, but I would absolutely encourage anyone to at least hear his music and experience him for themselves. He is able to express sadness in such an upbeat way at times, and can make happy thoughts sound like the depths of despair. He is truly talented in a way that is very rare to find, and I can always find time to sit and listen to him and find something new to appreciate about him.

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 On a Quest With My Wife (2020-03-03 17:00)
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 Pep Talk (2020-02-25 17:00)


The Mountain Goats