Fun times during homestay.
I teach a homestay club once a week in Saijo. Part of homestay is a trip to the local park, where the kids can unwind and have fun. Last week I thought it would be really awesome to pick up some cheap rubber band planes from Daiso and spend part of the day building and flying them there!
Here's Grace, Logan, and Pamela with their planes ready to go.

We all headed to the park, where my plane immediately got stuck in a tree.

Logan helped me get it down though.

3,2,1, throw!!

After we were done with the planes, the kids hit the swings.

Just another day at GEM. :)

Here's Grace, Logan, and Pamela with their planes ready to go.

We all headed to the park, where my plane immediately got stuck in a tree.

Logan helped me get it down though.

3,2,1, throw!!

After we were done with the planes, the kids hit the swings.

Just another day at GEM. :)

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