
I went to Kyoto last year with Vijay, my adopted son, and we went to the temple with the "thousand warriors" and we were struck how many of the Buddhist deities there were recognizable Hindu deities like Vishnu, Shiva, in fact almost all of them. Though the names were different, Vijay knew them all from his own Hindu faith. In fact Buddhism was born in India, in disaccord with much of it, but at the same time taking over so much of this imagery. The same is true of Christianity, which is supposed to be a "completion" of Judaism, or Islam which in turn is supposed to be a continuation of the other two. Even the "pagan" gods like Gilgamesh are in the same vein as Noah and the Ark. In an age where people are fighting religious wars, it's somber to remember our common humanity, and thirst for justice, above and beyond the narrow confines of our own view. Most religions have some kind of celebration of the change of seasons, change of year. Let that be a reminder of our celebrating all together our shared humanity, not as a pretext for strife. A call for tolerance.
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