
Inspector Gadget

Inspector Gadget

I don't know how this came into my head but it came from a discussion I had this week with someone. Living in Japan I've learned of a lot of different childhood cartoons that many of my peers would have seen as a child but also what children are watching now. When I was growing up I watched a show called Inspector Gadget. It was about a very clumsy detective in a gray trench coat that seemed to be made of different types of gadgets. His name was Inspector Gadget.

If you are unfamiliar with the word gadget it's a thing that you can use for specific purposes. Majority of the time Gadgets are novelty items . Although many things can be considered a gadget, for example, a Swiss Army Knife is a gadget.

So this character had many gadgets to use. Some useful, most not so useful! It was always up to his niece and her dog to solve the crimes while majority of the time Inspector Gadget looked in the wrong places. He wasn't such a great inspector but we liked him anyways.

Have you ever seen this show?

- James Barbosa

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Inspector Gadget