Once upon a time, there was a girl named Leigh. She went on a journey, in search of her elder brother. On the way she met a Prince. This Prince was strong, brave, charming, and handsom, his name was Sam. On December 23, 2006, Sam asked Leigh a question that would change her life.... that question was "Do you like like me?" Leigh laughed at the question and replied "Perhaps, why do you ask?" to which Sam responded, "because I like like you." On that day, Sam became Leigh's Prince and closest companion. Time passed and their relationship grew; Sam became Leigh's "Shining Knight". On June 23, 2009, Sam became King and Leigh his Queen. Nearly 4 years have passed since that day. The time has been a trifling journey, full of danger and challenge, but together they have defeated all the evil that has pursued them or crossed their path. King Sam and Queen Leigh continue to live happily and continue to fight for their happiness to remain in the future. Their life together has just begun, but we all know that they will live happily ever after.
The End
Thank you for reading!

Posted by teachers at 10:00│