
A Small Surprise at Kochi Castle

Raccoon dog

Now I know the picture isn't the best quality, but this is the best shot that was possible haha. While taking another trip to Kochi, I took a stroll around the castle and spotted Tanuki! In English they're called Raccoon Dogs. These little guys were pretty cute and they were bit curious too. I made sure to keep my distance. I don't know anything about Tanuki. I wonder if people have them at pets? Probably not.

My Gacha Machine Prize
Relaxing a Little at Uchinomiya Shrine
My New Favorite Shirt
Strawberry Pancakes!
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 My Gacha Machine Prize (2025-03-10 17:00)
 Relaxing a Little at Uchinomiya Shrine (2025-03-03 17:00)
 My New Favorite Shirt (2025-02-24 17:00)
 Strawberry Pancakes! (2025-02-17 17:00)
 New Years in Kochi (2025-02-03 17:00)
 Ishizuchi Shrine (2025-01-27 17:00)


A Small Surprise at Kochi Castle