
New Years in Kochi

Kochi shrine

Back then when my family and I were getting ready for the new year, we decided to visit a nice shrine in Kochi. The shrine was Ushioe Tenmangu. It had a chill atmosphere. We were there pretty early so it was cool to see people set up their food/game stands. As midnight was drawing near I was starting to doubt that tons of people would show up. However, I was quickly proven wrong haha. It was so packed but it was a nice experience to see how Japanese people get ready for the new year at a shrine.

My Gacha Machine Prize
Relaxing a Little at Uchinomiya Shrine
My New Favorite Shirt
Strawberry Pancakes!
A Small Surprise at Kochi Castle
Ishizuchi Shrine
 My Gacha Machine Prize (2025-03-10 17:00)
 Relaxing a Little at Uchinomiya Shrine (2025-03-03 17:00)
 My New Favorite Shirt (2025-02-24 17:00)
 Strawberry Pancakes! (2025-02-17 17:00)
 A Small Surprise at Kochi Castle (2025-02-10 17:00)
 Ishizuchi Shrine (2025-01-27 17:00)


New Years in Kochi