Sports and the Internet Two
As I mentioned in last week's blog, I really enjoy following the American professional sports leagues - especially the NFL, NBA and MLB. Even being a half a world away, it is fairly easy to stay updated with the most recent events if one has the internet. In fact, one can even pay for an online service to get live streaming of games of one's favorite team or league! In that way, a sports junkie can watch his favorite team LIVE in real time. I'm not that 'hard core' of a fan, so I can wait a bit to read about the summary of a game, as well as to analyze the box scores, and watch the post game interviews...all online of course!
As I also mentioned in last week's blog, every week there are some of the most interesting and amazing team, game, and player storylines. Recently, say about 2 or 3 weeks ago, a defensive NFL football player was making a tackle as he got hit directly in the chest by the player's helmet he was tackling. The impact caused this 24-year old defensive player to go into cardiac arrest. He collapsed on the field as his heart stopped beating. Physicians and medical personnel rushed out to him on the field and had to perform CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) to get his heart beating again. Only to have it stop again! CPR had to be performed twice on him to stabilize his heart before going to the hospital. Fortunately, the player has made a miraculous recovery without any lasting neurological (brain) damage, though it looks like his playing days are over. Also, the game in which they were playing was canceled as many of the players were traumatized by this on-field experience.
It was good to see this, and it certainly did put things into their proper perspective.
As I also mentioned in last week's blog, every week there are some of the most interesting and amazing team, game, and player storylines. Recently, say about 2 or 3 weeks ago, a defensive NFL football player was making a tackle as he got hit directly in the chest by the player's helmet he was tackling. The impact caused this 24-year old defensive player to go into cardiac arrest. He collapsed on the field as his heart stopped beating. Physicians and medical personnel rushed out to him on the field and had to perform CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) to get his heart beating again. Only to have it stop again! CPR had to be performed twice on him to stabilize his heart before going to the hospital. Fortunately, the player has made a miraculous recovery without any lasting neurological (brain) damage, though it looks like his playing days are over. Also, the game in which they were playing was canceled as many of the players were traumatized by this on-field experience.
It was good to see this, and it certainly did put things into their proper perspective.
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