
Tempura is a Japanese dish that usually consists of vegetables, seafood, or meat that is lightly dipped in batter (water, eggs, and wheat flour) and deep fried for a short period of time.
The dish is originally from Portugal and was introduced to Japan in the 16th century by Portuguese religious missionaries in the Nagasaki area in Kyushu. The origin of the word is not entirely clear. But the word tempura is likely from the Latin word tempora (meaning time period), which was in use by the Portuguese at the time. This is probably a reference to to a block of time that Catholics in Europe fasted from meat and only ate fish and vegetables. The Japanese most likely took the word tempora and made it into tempura in their own language.
When served as a meal, tempura usually consists of the tempura, rice, miso soup, pickled vegetables, a bit of tofu, and a light dipping sauce to add flavor. This is a fairly healthy and tasty dish that is enjoyed not only in Japan, but in various countries around the world.
Japan has many interesting and tasty foods to experience. Food such as sushi, for example, is now a worldwide culinary treat for many cultures. I would suggest trying tempura if you are curious. I think it is a food worth exploring while you are in Japan!
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