
City Office Trip

Recently, I went to the city office to register my address with the local government. This was a trip that I was a little nervous about, given that I don't speak great Japanese, but thankfully, a wonderful staff member, Val, volunteered to give me a hand because she lives in Shikokuchuo as well. The most noticeable thing about the city hall office is how nice and new it looks. It was truly stunning.

So after arriving at looking at the huge building, it was time to actually do what I needed to do at the city office. Now, before I continue, I want to say how strange it is for an American to go to their city hall in the US. I don't ever recall having to go as a matter of fact. When you move and change addresses, there isn't even a process to do that, other than maybe telling the post office or the Department of Motor Vehicles. But once we got to the filling out paper work, it actually wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I had to fill my name and address out. Luckily I had practiced my kanji a bit and was able to write my address with relative ease. There were a few questions that the city office worker had that was Val was able to answer for me, but apart from that I think that in the future and with a little bit more Japanese study under my belt, I could probably do this by myself in about six months to a year.

I will say I was a little surprised at how long it took to get in and out though. It only took an hour but we pretty much walked right in and were helped. I guess maybe that paperwork for foreigners takes a little longer though. Anyway, I think that about wraps it up, so until next time, bye!

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 On a Quest With My Wife (2020-03-03 17:00)
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 Pep Talk (2020-02-25 17:00)


City Office Trip