Moments of Reflection

Sometimes I get a little lost in my thoughts. I immediately go back and reflect on my younger years. I was not born with a lot of money. In fact growing up it was often my mom, father, my brother and me all working together to keep a roof over our heads. Now I don't look back at my humble beginnings in shame. In fact I'm quite proud of it! My lower middle class upbringing has taught me valuable lessons. It taught me to be resilient. I also respect my parents a lot for working so hard for my brother and me. They gave us both so much with so little.
Plus they are very generous people. I can recall plenty of times they've been there for family, friends, and strangers. I was once told, "If you have just bread and two packets of ketchup in your refrigerator, still offer someone a piece of bread with ketchup on it!" My parents have always maintained that philosophy by their actions and spirit.
Nowadays my parents are in a better place financially and my brother and me are at a better place too. I can't help but feel grateful for everything we have and accomplished as individuals and as a family. I think it's good to reflect on moments you've overcome trials and tribulations. You'll be surprised by just how far you've come.
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