
I'm not a huge coffee drinker. I prefer to drink hot tea. However lately I've been craving coffee. Not just any coffee but one specific brand named Cafe Bustelo. Cafe Bustelo is a well-known coffee brand sold in my hometown of South Florida. It's to a point where I'm venting to my friends about my need for Cafe Bustelo. One friend from America brought to my attention that you can order the coffee online. I quickly ran to my computer to research. They actually have Cafe Bustelo on Amazon Japan! Unfortunately because it is an import item it's quite pricey. Can you guess the price? Do you have a number in your head? Good, please feel free to scroll down for the answer!
$61.07 USD United States Dollars (¥6,814 YEN) for one can!
I guess I'll have to save my pennies for it! My Cafe Bustelo cravings will just have to wait.
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