Colorado Mountain Roads

One day, I was certain my mom’s crazy idea would kill us all. She insisted we would be fine. As we wound back and forth on a one-lane dirt road thousands of feet in the air, I wasn’t so sure. Being so high up was bad enough, but every minute or so we would make an impossibly sharp turn which forced us to get even closer to the edge. Yet, as petrified as I was, my mom was completely calm. She even seemed to be enjoying herself! I however, got grumpier and grumpier the higher we went. Even once we reached the top (safely, as my mom had predicted) I wasn’t ready to forgive her for frightening me. In fact, I was grumpier than ever when I discovered that a nice, wide, paved road existed on the other side of the mountain! We took this route down. Looking back, I'm still not sure how my mom could be so calm while driving on such a crazy road but I am glad I got to experience it at least once in my life!
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