Alaska and a Bear

One of my most memorable vacations was when I visited Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska is by far the largest of all the U.S. states. It's best known for it's beautiful landscapes and outdoor activities. Interestingly enough, though it is a part of America, one can find it bordered by Canada.

Another thing Alaska is best known for is its wildlife. Alaska is a haven for moose, deer and lots of bears. While taking in the snow capped scenery, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye. From a distance I saw a scraggly looking ball of fur walking around. At first I thought it was my eyes playing a trick on me. Then I realized it was a bear! I was lucky to be a good distance from it and it was between a flimsy fence and a mountain.
So instead of carefully walking away I decided I should use my camera and zoom in on it to get the best shot. I probably would not have been as bold knowing what I know now about bears. I quickly took the picture without leaving the safety of the fence. It ended up being one of my favorite photos from my experience in Alaska. After everything was said and done I left Alaska feeling a whole lot braver and ready for the next adventure!
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