Making Studying Fun

I’ve always thought that speaking multiple languages is one of the coolest skills a person can have. Now, I’m finally working on learning a second language myself (Japanese, of course) and am helping others learn English. The longer I study, the more respect and awe I have for people that have mastered multiple languages. It’s not easy. There is no perfect study method and no easy way out. It’s really just a lot of work. The sheer amount of information that must be shoved into one’s brain can be discouraging for anyone. What to do when you feel like giving up? Take a little break from the slog and do something fun with the language you are learning. Most importantly, don’t try to read something like Shakespeare right at the beginning. Do something that suits your own level or you might end up less motivated than before. Read a kids book or comic, find a language learning podcast, practice writing the language using calligraphy, get creative! Once you are refreshed you can get back to studying! Now, it’s time for me to take my own advice and slowly read a Manga I bought!
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