Who Let the Dogs Out?
Hello everyone!
Today I'm going to talk to you about Pokemon GO because, as many of you have figured out by now, I love Pokemon! Over this past summer, Pokemon GO has had some major updates and events. This began with the new raid battle feature. While I'm not the biggest fan of them due to the requirements of coordinating with other players while a lack of lobby-type features exist, it was an interesting addition to the game and allowed for the release of legendary Pokemon. Last month, the Legendary Birds were released, and much to my dismay, I did not catch a single one due to a variety of reasons, though the extreme temperatures and humidity during the last month are the main cause of such loss. However, two days ago, Niantic released three new legendary Pokemon into the wild: the Legendary Dogs; they are set to roam around various regions for the next three months, and I'm proud to say I've already caught the one currently exclusive to Asia: Suicune!
If any of you are PoGo players, I really encourage you to get out there and catch those dogs while you have the chance! I'm going to catch as many as I can! With the weather finally cooling down, I can go outside and enjoy walking around to play again. I hope to see some of you on the hunt!
Today I'm going to talk to you about Pokemon GO because, as many of you have figured out by now, I love Pokemon! Over this past summer, Pokemon GO has had some major updates and events. This began with the new raid battle feature. While I'm not the biggest fan of them due to the requirements of coordinating with other players while a lack of lobby-type features exist, it was an interesting addition to the game and allowed for the release of legendary Pokemon. Last month, the Legendary Birds were released, and much to my dismay, I did not catch a single one due to a variety of reasons, though the extreme temperatures and humidity during the last month are the main cause of such loss. However, two days ago, Niantic released three new legendary Pokemon into the wild: the Legendary Dogs; they are set to roam around various regions for the next three months, and I'm proud to say I've already caught the one currently exclusive to Asia: Suicune!
If any of you are PoGo players, I really encourage you to get out there and catch those dogs while you have the chance! I'm going to catch as many as I can! With the weather finally cooling down, I can go outside and enjoy walking around to play again. I hope to see some of you on the hunt!
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