
My "resolution"

It's already been a few days since the start of the new year, but I thought I can still bring up the topic of New Years resolutions. If you are not sure what a New Years resolution is, I can tell you: it's a mainly western tradition when a person makes a decision to change something about themself or their current lifestyle, especially if it's something not necessarily good. Some very common resolutions for people to make are things like "start eating healthy" and "exercise more"; more often than not these "resolutions" end up stopping before February is over, hahaha. I have read that it's because there is no specific goal in mind, nothing to shoot for. For example "exercise more" - it's too vague, there is nothing to shoot for, and so very easy to drop. Instead, a resolution could be "do 100 push ups in 2 minutes". (Not great, I know). It's a realistic goal that one still has to work towards, and in order to get there, one would have to "exercise more".
What is my resolution? Well, I don't have a specific goal in mind at the moment, but I am currently trying to get more fit. I ended up getting bulgy around the middle during the holiday (I was very lazy). So I am trying out a new exercise routine. Another thing is understanding more Japanese. Not speaking, because I don't much time or opportunity to practice. But if I can learn more words and phrases, then maybe something will work out!


My "resolution"