"Lazy" Cooking
My wife and I tend to be very busy with work and such. Even before we were married, she was a very busy person, and tended to not have a lot of time to spend on cooking. As such, she has found very quick and easy ways to prepare meals. She always says she feels bad, because she believes she should be spending more time in the kitchen, making elaborate and delicious meals, rather than be "lazy".
Now, I constantly tell her this, but her style of cooking isn't "lazy". Lazy would probably be handing me money to get my own food, or maybe even giving me bread and jam, separated, with the intent of having me make it myself. That is not what she does, and in fact I want to learn to cook the way she does.
Like I said, she and I are generally quite busy to even be thinking about cooking every time. I really like the idea of cooking, but have never had much time to practice cooking, especially anything that is intended for someone other than me to eat. I have tried various recipes at one time or another, with pretty good results. The problem is that they tended to take a lot of time and prep work to put together. With her methods of cooking, the food is done in a short amount of time, and it still tastes amazing.
I'm sure part of it is the kind of food we are cooking; udon is not generally hard to make, and neither is nabe. But the fact that she can change it up on a whim, or even work with the leftovers to make it something else, is quite amazing to me. I just eat leftovers as is; she turns it into a whole other meal.
Maybe in time, I can learn to cook the way she does. And then, when we have more free time, I can play with the more elaborate recipes, and try to shorten them down, using the "lazy" cooking style, hahaha.
Now, I constantly tell her this, but her style of cooking isn't "lazy". Lazy would probably be handing me money to get my own food, or maybe even giving me bread and jam, separated, with the intent of having me make it myself. That is not what she does, and in fact I want to learn to cook the way she does.
Like I said, she and I are generally quite busy to even be thinking about cooking every time. I really like the idea of cooking, but have never had much time to practice cooking, especially anything that is intended for someone other than me to eat. I have tried various recipes at one time or another, with pretty good results. The problem is that they tended to take a lot of time and prep work to put together. With her methods of cooking, the food is done in a short amount of time, and it still tastes amazing.
I'm sure part of it is the kind of food we are cooking; udon is not generally hard to make, and neither is nabe. But the fact that she can change it up on a whim, or even work with the leftovers to make it something else, is quite amazing to me. I just eat leftovers as is; she turns it into a whole other meal.
Maybe in time, I can learn to cook the way she does. And then, when we have more free time, I can play with the more elaborate recipes, and try to shorten them down, using the "lazy" cooking style, hahaha.
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