
Halloween "traditions" a.k.a. Pranks

I'm sure everyone is familiar with the phrase "trick or treat". Treat is obvious here; it's the candy you receive when you go door to door. But have you ever thought about the trick part? I myself never really gave it much thought, though I know of some "tricks" that people tend to pull during the holiday. Maybe you have done a few of these?
The one that always comes to mind involves toilet paper. No, it's not being used at a toilet. Instead, people would take toilet paper and "TP" a person's home, covering as much as they have toilet paper, which can include the house (of course), trees, mailboxes, anything on the property. It is very annoying to clean up, as toilet paper breaks so easily and can get stuck in high places.
Another common one is called the "ding dong dash". Basically, you run up to the house, ring the doer bell, and run away. People open the door, see no one, and probably get irritated that they had to get up. Be sure you can run! I can't imagine what might happen if you get caught.

Are there any that you might have heard about?


Halloween "traditions" a.k.a. Pranks