
Laura and Couri Go to Shodoshima!

Laura and Couri Go to Shodoshima!
Recently my friend Laura and I took a trip to Shodoshima. I was super pumped (pumped means excited) because I'd never been on a boat before. At least not a big one. There isn't a lot of water in Ohio. When we got there we rented bikes and rode to the beach. Laura did most of the work, because she had the map and I am bad at responsibility and navigation. It was a fantastic day. We saw Angel Road, but didn't cross because it was too hot. I actually ended up burning a little, which is rare for me.
Laura and Couri Go to Shodoshima!
I talk a lot about my friends back home here because they mean a lot to me and I miss them sometimes, but I do have some fantastic friends here, too. Laura is one of my favorite people. We met during Bon last year, so this is right around our one year friendship anniversary. (Huzzah!) She's super relaxed and really funny. She also speaks great Japanese. I'm really lucky to have her as a friend.


Laura and Couri Go to Shodoshima!