East of the Sun, West of the Moon

My favorite fairy tale is called "East of the Sun and West of the Moon." It's about the youngest daughter of a poor family. She goes to live with a white bear who says he will make her family very rich if she does so. She lives in a big, empty castle all alone, but is visited at night by someone who sleeps next to her. She grows lonely after awhile and the bear lets her see her family. Her mother tells her to light a candle to see who comes into her room, and when she does so she sees it is a handsome prince. Wax gets on his shirt and he wakes up. He is the bear, and he says if she had gone one year without looking at him, he would have turned back into a man and married her. Because she looked at him he has to go very far away to a castle east of the sun and west of the moon, and marry a troll. The young girl goes after him. She has to ride on all four winds to reach the castle.
When she's there she meets the troll---but I won't tell you how it ends. That would spoil it.
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