Companionship and Nurturing Love

Since coming to Japan I have had very little opportunity to actually travel around and enjoy the natural beauty of Japan. I have sadly missed many opportunities to explore places like Hiroshima, Hokkaido, and some places in Kyushu. I truly regret not taking the time out of my very busy schedule to go to these places and explore. Since returning in October I have really been trying to remedy this.
A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to go to Shodoshima Island with my younger sister and my friend. While there we had the opportunity to see a beautiful waterfall, feed monkeys, stand on tall peaks, and wander an expansive forest in the dark of night. It was quite difficult for me to do due to a few things, but for the most part it was an amazing and exciting adventure. The image above is one that my beautiful and talented sister took on the trip. When looking at this image it brings forth many emotions and wishes. The image itself is absolutely beautiful. It captures the true nature of companionship and nurturing love, something that I believe no photo of a human being could possess. I would go into the emotions and thoughts that this image stirs within me, but it would be very complex so I will just stop here.
Does this image invoke anything within you? What do you think or feel when looking at the details of this image?
Thank you for reading,
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