
Time to get cozy!

the weather has been really gloomy this past week! Large, dark clouds, strong winds, and rain! IT makes me want to stay home curled up under a blanket with a hot mug of tea (or coffee!) and just read all day long! It is also the kind of weather that makes me put on my thick, warm socks, and my comfy sweatshirts! It is also the kind of weather that makes me take a pair of slippers to school with me, to keep my feet warm! The slippers I like to wear were a present from Rose's parents when they visited in September! Rose's aunt Donna makes many beautiful knitted things, and one of the things she makes often is slippers! They are very warm, and you can tell they are made with lots of love!

On a Quest With My Wife
Animal Crossing
Pep Talk
Little Pieces of Comfort
Waiting For A New Game
Wildlife Encounter
 Kimetsu Ramen (2020-11-09 05:00)
 Cola Ramen (2020-05-25 05:00)
 Dragon Ramen (2020-04-20 05:00)
 On a Quest With My Wife (2020-03-03 17:00)
 Animal Crossing (2020-02-29 13:00)
 Pep Talk (2020-02-25 17:00)


Time to get cozy!