Tokyo visit number two, for my birthday
For my birthday I went to Tokyo for the weekend, actually for Saturday night, Sunday, and Monday afternoon. It was a lot of fun. I went mainly for two things: 1) to meet some friends from California and 2) to pick up some English books from Jimbocho. The two friends that I went out to visit I have never met before, except for through an online chatroom I am in with my other old friends from California, so this was going to be the first time to meet them both. They were a lot of fun. We ended up just walking around town almost the entire time and talking to strangers. I never did that before! Even if I seem loud and energetic in person, I am also a very shy and self-conscious person! As for the books…well I couldn’t find any English books surprisingly there, even though last time I was in Jimbocho there was quite a selection in one of the middle-sized used bookstores. I guess because the Fall semester recently started that all of the English books were bought up by the local Waseda students. I didn’t leave empty handed however! I wound up bringing home onto the plane with me a bunch of notebooks and small books of Tanizaki Junichiro for my later studies (once I can read Japanese!). Going around town there has made me reconsider my talents, especially when I browsed through a local art shop. For one thing, I really regret not having bought a fancy book cover for my small books!
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