Trying to get tickets!

2010 Halloween Party
I've been trying to buy concert tickets to one of my favorite bands! My favorite singer, as most of you know, is Hyde from Larc en ciel and VAMPS. Hyde's style is very close to my own and we absolutly love Halloween. Hyde loves it so much that he has several concerts every year where all of the bands and attendees are in costume. It is amazing!
I will never forget the moment when one of the girls at Kansai Gaidai turned to me and asked "Do you know when Hyde's Halloween Party is?" I was stunned for a moment, the full realization that I was IN Japan DURING one the time that my FAVORITE singer was holding fabulous concerts, hit me. I had to get help from a Japanese girl in my dorm who woke up very early to make a phone call and order me tickets. A few friends got tickets of their own later, and we had the BEST time at a concert that I had ever had! Not only was it incredible to see my idol in real life and not on TV, but the concert showed me other Jrock bands that I didn't know about.
This month, I have been bothering lots of people to help me get a ticket to the Halloween concert again. In America, if you want a ticket, you buy it on the day that it's available or you don't. In Japan, I have had to join a membership to a ticket company and I have done a lottery to be given the chance to buy the tickets! It's so terribly confusing!!
Today I got an email that said that I won a ticket, so I will be going to 7/11 later to get it!! I accidentally entered a later lottery too, so on the 11th, I may have a second ticket for a friend. All I know is, I gotta start making my costume!
Hyde! Here I come!!!!

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