
Bugs! It's summer time now and they've become unavoidable. Of course I've suffered the occasional mosquito bites and kept a close eye out for bees (they scare me!). I've been finding myself surprised by bugs in Japan this month.
First problem was the dreaded fruit flies. This horrible little flies are in my tiny kitchen and annoying me when I watch movies on my computer. I've tried every home-made trap on the internet, but the flies don't seem interested. Why does it work for other people? I just don't get it. I bought a trap today that seems like it might work. We'll see.
Last sunday, I heard a strange noise at about 1 in the morning. It sounded like someone had turned on lots of loud sprinklers. I shut my window and tried to ignore it. The next day, I was dismayed to STILL hear that sound! It was SO loud! My friends told me that it's cicadas! The park in front of my apartment must be FULL of them! They seem to "sing" in unison all the time, even fading in and out. Cicadas are a sign that rainy season is supposed to be over. We might have cicadas in Michigan, but not so many that I ever noticed them.
Another thing surprising me in Japan is that a lot of the butterflies are the same as in the states. I used to collect and read about butterflies when I was younger and still remember many of their names. I had a wonderful time raising caterpillars and watching them turn into butterflies!
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