Crazy Summer Time!
This is a busy week coming up, with Summer Tour just around the corner, and the school semester finihsing, this is one of the most hectic times of the year, I suspect. Everyone has a lot on their plate, so being able to manage your time effectively is really important. I've never been one to plan ahead very effectively, I always seem to have better success in compartmentalizing my tasks, and taking them on one at a time, in order of importance. Keeping two plans and thoughts in my head is pretty tough, so by only worrying about one thing at a time, until I've completed it as much as I can, and then moving to the next one, I'm able to better complete all the tasks given.
Some people I know are able to multitask so well, they can do two or three things at the same time and be able to keep track of it all at once. This kind of thinking has been beyond my grasp, and I'm sure with time and practice, I could become possibly proficient at it, but this time of year would be a bad time to start!
Instead, I'm going to keep my nose to the grindstone and work as hard as I can as best as I can for a long as I can. Being able to keep focused for a long time is a special skill, and it helps me personally when I can listen to music. Being able to tune out what's going on around me helps a lot in focusing my attention on what needs to be worked on, so I'm going to be taking advantage of that as much as I can!
So if you see me with headphones in, odds are good that I'll be working on something for school!
Have a great day,
This is a busy week coming up, with Summer Tour just around the corner, and the school semester finihsing, this is one of the most hectic times of the year, I suspect. Everyone has a lot on their plate, so being able to manage your time effectively is really important. I've never been one to plan ahead very effectively, I always seem to have better success in compartmentalizing my tasks, and taking them on one at a time, in order of importance. Keeping two plans and thoughts in my head is pretty tough, so by only worrying about one thing at a time, until I've completed it as much as I can, and then moving to the next one, I'm able to better complete all the tasks given.
Some people I know are able to multitask so well, they can do two or three things at the same time and be able to keep track of it all at once. This kind of thinking has been beyond my grasp, and I'm sure with time and practice, I could become possibly proficient at it, but this time of year would be a bad time to start!
Instead, I'm going to keep my nose to the grindstone and work as hard as I can as best as I can for a long as I can. Being able to keep focused for a long time is a special skill, and it helps me personally when I can listen to music. Being able to tune out what's going on around me helps a lot in focusing my attention on what needs to be worked on, so I'm going to be taking advantage of that as much as I can!
So if you see me with headphones in, odds are good that I'll be working on something for school!
Have a great day,
Posted by teachers at 13:06│Comments(0)