eReader Vs Books

I love to read. My preference is fiction, but I love other types of readings as well. I enjoy the creative aspect of fictitious novels, it allows my mind to immerse itself into a world of wonder. I have been reading since a very young age and for a time did not enjoy reading due to the education system in America practically forcing certain books on you year after year as if you were set on repeat, but I have grown a love for reading which I am happy for. Books can take you places that you never thought could exist, but your mind is a wonderful thing and allows you to become a part of any story that you read as long as you let your creative side take control. Reading is exciting and I much prefer it over watching a film or tv show. My preference is using books, but I do own a kindle. Both ways are convenience, though books can pile up quickly if you are buying them, and the battery on the kindle and the storage space could run out quickly depending on how much you read. There are many pros and cons to both. What is your preference? Do you prefer reading a physical book or do you prefer using a kindle or other e reading device?
Thank you for reading!

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