
Going to the beach

The weather is getting really nice in Kanonji. Spring is here. I am so happy winter is finally gone. Now you can go outside and do a lot of fun things. I like to go to the beach and read a book, especially about one hour before sunset. It's not so hot at that time and it's really nice to see the sky changing colors as the sun sets slowly over the ocean at Kotahiki park. It's beautiful. You can also see many people doing different things at the beach. Some are walking along the shore. Some are sitting on the beach and talking with friends. Some people are fishing and others look for crabs. The water is still cold, so I don't see anyone swimming yet. I wonder when people start to go swimming at the beach in Kanonji? Probably July or August when the water is warmer.

Try to say this tongue twister 3 times fast without making a mistake ........(She sells sea shells by the sea shore)

Enjoy your spring!

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 Pep Talk (2020-02-25 17:00)


Going to the beach